Stellar Innovation and Salesforce

Stellar innovation and Salesforce

We at Web3 Enabler aim to combine Stellar innovation and Salesforce to drive adoption of XLM transactions, as well as other blockchain payments.  

Forward-thinking Builders in the Stellar Ecosystem

The Stellar Blockchain ecosystem continues to innovate with technical integrations and features. Passkeys and other authentication and security enhancements are just a few of many examples of these features.  

Submissions to the recent “Better on Stellar” challenge\ include some other great examples of this.

Stellar Innovation and Salesforce

We at Web3 Enabler look forward to empowering corporate users to reap the benefits of participating in the Stellar ecosystem. 

We also plan to build a Salesforce native XLM wallet to empower real businesses to simply and safely manage from a SaaS user interface with which their system administrators and accountants are familiar. An intuitive user and a lack of steep learning curve make this possible. 

Our team truly believes that these features have the innovative potential to drive enterprise adoption of all that blockchain technology has to offer, putting the Stellar Network at the forefront of this movement.   Further information on our vision for making web3 technology accessible for the enterprise is available in our whitepaper, which was written by our CEO, Alex Hochberger. 

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