Re-skilling for Web3: How We Simplify This

Olympix CEO, Channi Greenwall, shares insight on re-skilling for web3 software security.

Re-skilling for Web3

We at Web3 Enabler pride ourselves in handling the complexities of training on blockchain technology, including but not limited to cybersecurity, to reduce the steep learning curve for corporate users. We do so by streamlining cryptocurrency and Stablecoin operations in familiar enterprise IT environments.  This way, users only need to understand the customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software they are already using and continue with business as usual.

How Salesforce Can Simplify the Learning Curve

We aim to minimize the web3 learning curve for businesses. We streamline enterprise operations with our Blockchain payments product. We also approach this simplification with our integrations and other projects, such as Salesforce native web3 wallets.

Our Salesforce integrations reduce the need for organizations to understand web3 concepts, such as

  • Key management for web3 wallets
  • How to make sure blockchain ledger data is up to date 
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