XRP for Salesforce

Start accepting XRP Payments in Salesforce 

XRP for Salesforce empowers Businesses to embrace Web3 and the XRP Ledger

Embrace the future of finance by integrating XRP payments into Salesforce facilitated by Web3 Enabler’s cutting-edge solutions. This integration not only opens up new revenue streams for businesses but also simplifies international transactions with ease, leveraging the speed and efficiency of cryptocurrency.

Why accept XRP payments in Salesforce

Accepting XRP payments let’s you embrace payments from the most business focused blockchain, the XRP Ledger Foundation. Inspired by Blockchain Payments and sponsored by the XRP Ledger Foundation, XRP for Salesforce quickly brings XRP transactions to Salesforce Objects. As an open source solution, this offers a significant advantage for businesses looking to streamline their financial operations and expand their market reach. XRPL, known for quick transaction speed and low cost provides an efficient alternative to traditional banking methods enabling real-time cross-border transactions without the hefty fees or processing delays. This is beneficial for companies engaged in international trade where speed and cost-efficiency are crucial. Web3 Enabler’s integration into Salesforce is seamless XRP payment incorporation into existing workflows. This not only simplifies the transaction process but also ensures that all payment activities are recorded and managed within Salesforce, maintaining data integrity and providing a unified view of financial interactions. Businesses can leverage this integration to enhance customer satisfaction by offering more flexible payment options while securing their transactions with blockchain’s robust security features.

Utilizing XRP for Global Business Transactions

Integrating XRP enables businesses to conduct seamless and efficient cross-border transactions, reducing costs and eliminating traditional banking delays. This capability is especially beneficial in today’s global market, where speed and efficiency are paramount.

Getting Started with Salesforce and XRP Integration

XRP for Salesforce is available as a free unlocked package, or available from the GitHub Repository. If you are looking to develop improvements, we suggest working with the GIthub repository. That will let you always have the latest version and submit pull requests. If you are looking to simply use XRP for Salesforce, we recommend using the unlocked packages. Salesforce Customers can install into their existing Production Org or Sandbox Orgs. Anyone can try out XRP for Salesforce with a Salesforce Developer Edition. Salesforce Developer Edition You can get a free Salesforce Developer Edition account from Salesforce. Sign up here 

How To Test the App – Unlocked Package v1.0.2

Login to your Salesforce Org as an Admin. Install the Package with the link below for the appropriate environment. Production   Sandbox

Setting Up Your Salesforce DX Project

After securing your Salesforce account, proceed to set up your Salesforce DX project to ready your environment for XRP payment integration:
  1. Log Into Dev Hub Org: Use the Salesforce CLI to log in:
    sf org login web --set-default-dev-hub --alias DevHub --instance-url https://login.salesforce.com
  2. Create a Scratch Org: Establish a development-specific Scratch Org:
    sf org create scratch -f ./config/project-scratch-def.json -a dev -d -y 30
  3. Deploy the Project: Deploy your project to the Scratch Org:
    sf project deploy start
  4. Access Your Scratch Org: Connect to your Salesforce Scratch Org:
    sf org open

Documentation and Community Support

Access the XRP for Salesforce User Guide for detailed instructions. For developers interested in contributing or modifying the project, our GitHub provides all necessary resources: XRP for Salesforce GitHub.

Legal and Compliance

This integration is compliant with all relevant regulations, ensuring secure and transparent transactions. For more information on usage and restrictions, please review the LICENSE file provided in the GitHub repository.

About the XRPL Grant

The XRP grant supports the integration of XRP payments within Salesforce, reflecting the commitment to making the XRPL ecosystem business-friendly. As highlighted in the presentation titled “Bringing XRP Payments to the Enterprise,” Web3 Enabler is at the forefront of connecting CRMs and ERPs to the XRPL, enhancing the utility and accessibility of XRP in business environments. For businesses looking to expand into new markets and streamline payment processes, integrating XRP payments through Salesforce with Web3 Enabler offers a strategic advantage. Embrace this innovative solution and propel your business towards financial modernization and global connectivity.

Start processing crypto payments today!

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