BitRank Verified addresses compliance needs in various parts of the world, such as the following regulatory requirements:
- Know Your Transaction (KYT)
- Know Your Customer (KYC)
Having BitRank data mapped to Salesforce can help streamline your organization’s compliance operations.
Web3 Enabler Offers BitRank Data Mapped to Salesforce
Our Blockchain Payments product integrates with BitRank Verified to elevate compliance and payment processing in Salesforce. The integration provides a compliance score of an account wallet, along with its currency and created date.

An organization’s risk posture, as it pertains to its use of blockchain technology, is based on various factors, including the following.
- The security and trust that is built into the Web3 applications used within the organization
- Regulatory compliance checks, including accounting requirements, as well as technical security controls, as they related to digital payments
- Comprehensive reporting, including flags and counterparts exposures, based on the mapping from BitRank Verified to Salesforce

How This Fits in the Overall Security and Compliance Landscape
The concept of metrics-driven security and compliance checks is nothing new in the world of information technology. Seasoned IT security and compliance professionals use tools and methodologies to help us identify risks and provide us with actionable recommendations, accordingly.
Consider the following examples of tools and frameworks that are used for secure web2 and web3 software development.
- The OWASP Application Security Verification Standard, which establishes industry standards for secure software development and testing requirements.
- The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance DeFi Risk Assessment Guidelines, which outlines risks to decentralized finance (DeFi) assets, as well as information to guide organizations in conducting risk assessments
- The OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM), which allows an organization to assess and benchmark its software security posture