Innovative Cardano Catalyst App

innovative Cardano Catalyst app

We at Web3 Enabler look forward to using the new innovative Cardano Catalyst app for our future submissions to build ADA integrations with Salesforce.

Innovative Cardano Catalyst App

The inaugural episode of Under the Hood, a community-driven series that shapes expectations about Catalyst’s innovative scientific funding process

In this episode, Fayyaad Adams, TK Princewill and Mike McNulty shared exciting updates planned for Project Catalyst, starting with Fund 14.

One of the updates Mike McNulty discussed was the replacement of IdeaScale, a third party platform currently used for proposal submission, with a new collaboration platform. Ultimately, data from proposals previously submitted via IdeaScale will transfer to the new platform. 

Now, you can submit your idea at any time (rather than just a boxed window until the next funding round). One useful feature of the new app is the distinction between draft proposals and final proposals.  This distinction will empower proposers like us to more clearly indicate the following. 

  • Where our proposals stand regarding seeking feedback from reviewers 
  • Readiness level toward submission for the next round of Catalyst funding
Cardano Catalyst Proposal Editing Enhancements

Driving Enterprise Adoption of Cardano Innovation

We at Web3 Enabler are proud to partner with Cardano, starting with Salesforce. Bringing ADA payments to Salesforce offers the following to benefit the Cardano ecosystem.

  • Simple payment integrations with the world’s #1 ranked customer relationship management (CRM) system (25% market share) 
  • Access to the 150,000 companies use Salesforce
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