We at Web3 Enabler streamline Salesforce web3 wallet security operations to facilitate best practices for protecting enterprise users’ digital assets at scale.
Salesforce Web3 Wallet Security for Streamlined Enterprise Operations
Our Blockchain Payments product streamlines custody operations related to the management of corporate web3 wallets in Salesforce. This enables more efficient business operations.
These processes are also optimized using some of our other projects, such as our open-source Circle programmable wallets.
Key Management
Blockchains use key cryptography, which involves both public keys and private keys, to verify transactions.
A public key is a user’s wallet address. Public keys are visibility to anyone on a block explorer like Etherscan for Ethereum or XRPScan for XRP. This is an important aspect of transparency of the transaction activity on a blockchain network.
Private keys, however, should only be visible to a web3 wallet’s owner. If a bad actor gets access to another user’s private key, he/she can steal the victim’s funds or send them to the a destination of his/her choice.
Granular Access Control
The Salesforce native wallets we are building also provide granular access control. We offer different permission sets, which include varying admin and user level permissions, such as the following.
- Create a wallet
- View or update information about specific sets of Org and Account wallets